Change is the fuel of the future.

Change is fueling economies and organizations. The will to change, quite often though the need for it, is the driving factor for renewal. Sounds logical? However, in day-to-day business life, the introduction of innovative ideas, processes and structures often lead to friction and resistance or even failure of the new processes.


»We have always done it like this«, »Again such a crazy idea from the top« , »Is not helpful at all« to  »We're not gonna take it!« – do such reactions sound familiar to you?


The implementation of change is often met by great skepticism or even rejection by those charged with carrying it out in day-to-day operations. Here the human factor is crucial. In order to ensure that at the end of the journey neither goals nor valued employees are left behind it is necessary to sensitize staff and teams to tackle the challenge. It is good to have specialists on board to approach transformation as a common learning process for reaching the goal as a team. more > 

Kontakt / Contact

Heyne Consult

Dr. Christian Heyne

Helvesieker Weg 51e

27383 Scheeßel

Telefon +49 (0) 42 63 - 98 44 11

Mobil +49 (0)172 75 742 53



Christian Heyne

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